
I Think, I Write, and I Speak About Innovation, Sustainability, and the Future.

I Think

As a management scholar interested in strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, and the future, I work at the intersection of managerial economics and management science. In my research work, I am currently interested in various dimensions of innovation and the basis of corporate and, in particular, sustainable transformation

Over the past years, I have worked on numerous projects in the context of innovation and innovation systems quite extensively.

I Write

In my publications, I have followed a systemic approach and focused on different actors in innovation systems, their activities, their strategies, and their performance.
Currently, the publication I work on deals with innovation, idea generation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. The events since 2020 have prompted me to look more closely at the role innovation plays in a time of crisis.

Methodologically, I have developed a deep interest in applying methods that gauge the robustness of qualitative studies so as to be sure to add robust knowledge to the academic discussions in management.

Currently, I am working on two textbooks with Springer. And I have been working on a more popular book introducing a tool that supports innovation for a sustainable future. The result is the Future Flip Book as a German version and as an English version.

I Speak

As a faculty member at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, I am happy to teach management of innovation at the Bachelor’s and the Master’s level, a field that I find thrilling and important at the same time.
I also frequently hold workshops, give presentations, and deliver keynotes for larger and smaller audiences. I speak about:

  • Innovation and sustainability
  • Innovation in the time of crises
  • Innovation, success & failure
  • The Future

Also, I love to facilitate discussions and panels both online and offline.

I Advise

It is important for me to share my knowledge and expertise in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship with companies, public organizations, and funding institutions through:

  • Offering workshops and consulting for SMEs.
  • I am holding and I held (advisory) board memberships (e.g. EU Commission H2020 MSC-Action, Christian Doppler Society, Austria Wirtschaftsservice,, AWS Vienna, Bizcon Munich)
  • Coaching and counselling of startups.
  • I head the InnoGreenhouse, the innovation and entrepreneurship center at the University of Hohenheim together with Andreas Kuckertz.

Additionally, I consider it crucial to share experiences with my colleagues within my organization and within my extensive network.